Friday 31 May 2013

Nobody Takes Vegas - No Respect (new EP)

You may or may not remember the band Nobody Takes Vegas, whom I wrote about a few months ago. It transpires that they've remembered me at least a little bit, because they've sent me their new (awesome) EP, No Respect, a little bit early so I can write about it.

It's not a record for lying down and meditating, that's for sure. In fact, you should probably do a little bit of a warm-up before listening, because you're going to be jumping all over the place, and once it starts it never stops for a second, fast and furious (but not too much so . . .). The melodic acoustic beginning of Floater - which is an ironic name, because it's probably my favourite song on the record - may lull you into a false sense of security, but not long passes until they return to the noise and drama that runs all the way through, right up until their end track - also titled No Respect;

It's not a massive change from their first album (self-titled), although it sounds like a more polished version, like they have more band EXP. The vocals really stand out to me in these songs, and it sounds less angsty too, although obviously that's not a decider of quality music. This stuff still packs a punch, but in a slightly different way to their earlier material. It's not something I can put my finger on, which gave me a bit of trouble with writing this, because I wanted to be able to better explain exactly what this EP sounds like. Really, though, you're just going to have to listen to it to find out.

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